Urmila Pyakurel
Copyright © 2025
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- Teaching and Research
- Webinars
- Coordinator of a invited talk by Prof. Dr. Cameron, MacKenzie, Iowa State University, Department of Industrial
and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, USA entitled: ”Disaster Resilience: Models to Improve Decision
Making for Disaster Preparedness and Response” organized by Central Department of Mathematics Tribhuvan
University, Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb 9, 2022.
- Best paper award in the Presentation of Paper entitled ”Quickest Multi-Commodity Partial Contraflow Problem with Asymmetric Transit Times” in Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematical
Sciences & Computing (IEMSC-22), Department of Basic Science & Humanities Institute of Engineering &
Management, KOLKATA, INDIA, 4th - 6th February 2022.
- As a EC member of NEGAAS, attended actively Ten Series of programs organized by NEGAAS from September
to December 2021 as a program festival supported by GIZ and CIM.
- Organizer one day seminar on network flow models on transportation optimization and emergency planning as
a faculty member of Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University on 17 January 2022.
- Panelists at the workshop organized by NEGAAS on ”Managing Disasters Risk: A way to Sustainability”
November 22, entitled ”Disaster resilience and sustainable urban development”.
- Joint speaker with Prof. Dr. Tanka Nath Dhamala at the workshop organized by NEGAAS on ”Managing
Disasters Risk: A way to Sustainability” November 21, entitled ”Scientific-models to optimize traffic congestion
in emergency management”
- Member of organizing sub-committee of the workshop organized by NEGAAS on ”Managing Disasters Risk: A
way to Sustainability” November 21-22, 2021.
- Speaker at the workshop organized by NEGAAS on ”Women in Science: Status, Challenges and Innovations”
November 14, 2021, entitled ”Application of mathematics in evacuation planning.
- Coordinator at the workshop organized by NEGAAS on ”Women in Science: Status, Challenges and Innovations” November 13, 2021.
- Member of organizing sub-committee of the workshop organized by NEGAAS on ”Gender Equality” September
25, 2021.
- Talk: ”Abstract Temporally Repeated Flow with Intermediate Storage” 5th International Conference on Dynamics of Disasters, DOD 2021.
- Webinar on ”The day after optimal: OR for modern logistics” delivered by Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Operations Research; organized by Central Department of Mathematics,
Tribhuvan University, May 7, 2021.
- Participated at 2nd International Day of Mathematics (IDM) on March 14, 2021, organized by Bangladesh
Mathematical Society (BMS)
- Prof. Dr. Edward Kaplan, William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research, Yale School of
Management, USA (December 17, 2020).Talk: Modeling Local Coronavirus Outbreaks.
- Dr. Chrysafis Vogiatzis, Industrial and Enterprises Systems Engineering, University of Illinois a Urbana-Champaign,
USA (Asadh 12, 2077; June 26, 2020). Talk: Robust Two Echelon Vehicle and Drone Routing for Post Disaster
Humanitarian Operations.
- Mathematics in Industry: Challenges and Frontiers, organized by Office of International Affairs (OIA),The Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda, India, June 3, 2020.
- Focusing on Mathematical Models & Analysis of COVID-19 Crisis, organized by The Office of International Affairs, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India and Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, June 17-18, 2020.
- One World Optimization Seminar (OWOS), organized by Radu Ioan Bot , (University of Vienna), Shoham Sabach (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa) and Mathias Staudigl (Maastricht University) (June 1, 2020; June 8, 2020; June 15, 2020; June 22, 2020; June 29, 2020; July 6, 2020; July 13, 2020; July 20, 2020; July 27, 2020; September 7, 2020, September 15, 2020; April 12, 2021; April 19, 2021).
- Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Berlin, Germany (June 24-25, 2020).
- Web of Science webinar: Supporting COVID-19 research efforts: How to make your search strategies more effective and efficient? (25 June 2020).
- Sudoku: Fun and Serious Mathematics, Organized by the Office of International Affairs, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India and TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands (July 3, 2020).
- Seminar: Operations Research Tools to COVID-19 for Sustainable Future, organized by Operations Research Society of Nepal (ORSN) (July 11, 2020).
- IFORS Global Webinars, ALIO (July 29, 2020).
- DAAD-Freundeskreis International Language Cafe, Heidelburg, Germany (August 1, 2020). ´
- Invited talk: Network Optimization Techniques for Efficient Emergency Planning. International Webinar on Role of Applied Sciences in Industry and Engineering, organized by Department of Mathematics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India (May 2-5, 2020)
- Invited talk: Excess Flow Storage at Intermediate Nodes on Dynamic Network, International Webinar on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (RAPAM-2020), August 24-25, 2020. Organized by Department of Mathematics, KURSEONG COLLEGE, DARJEELING.
- Webinar: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Information Session (Tribhuvan University - Study and Research in Germany, August 28, 2020), conducted by DAAD India.
- Webinar: ”Merging Dynamics with Data: A mathematical perspective on climate science”, organized by Institute of climate change research, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, August 29, 31, September 5, 2020.
- Invited talk: Dynamic Flow Improvement with Intermediate Storage for Evacuation Planning, International Conference on Computational Sciences: Modeling, Computing and Soft Computing (CSMCS- 2020), organized by National Institute of Technology, Calicut, INDIA, September 10-12, 2020.
- Invited talk: OR Models and Efficient Solutions for Maximum Evacuation Planning Problem, and Panelist, Pre-APORS Conference 2020 OR: Continuing Relevance in Challenging Times, September 23-25, 2020, organized for APORS by the OR Society of the Philippines (ORSP).
- IFORS Global Webinar Series, O.R. in the Asia Pacific: Recent Trends and Practices, September 30, 2020.
- Plenary talk: Maximum Flow Improvement with Intermediate Storage, 2020 Mindanawan Math-Stat Int’l Webcon MSU-IIT, Mindanao, Philippines, November 18, 2020.